Saturday, November 26, 2011

Zumba! Because we ate too much.

Two days ago was Thanksgiving. I ate and ate and ate... And gained six pounds. So last night, Julie and I decided that since we are the only ones at home, we would work out a little bit. We looked up some Zumba videos on Youtube...

We felt like the girls in the white pants, but I'm pretty sure we actually looked like the lady in the background in the red T-shirt. Which is why we made sure the blinds were closed. (Look at her around 2:35... That's us.)

We died a little bit, and sweat a lot. But it's okay, because sweat is just fat crying. And there was some fat left over from Thanksgiving that needed to cry. (Holiday leftovers are not always a good thing.)

Here's what happened. Thanksgiving day, we wake up. We're at my house house, like my not-at-college house. We get ready, then go to my uncle's for a delicious meal. We eat and eat and eat. (I was very pleased that there wasn't even the pretense of vegetables.) What we ate:

Deep fried turkey. Fried in this:

A heart attack waiting to happen.

Also, mashed potatoes and gravy. Rolls. Salad (with lots of dressing). This delicious pink jello-whipped cream-cottage cheese-fruit cocktail-amazingness on a plate. Bread and spinach dip. Stuffing. Sweet potato goopy stuff. Pumpkin rolls. And of course, six pies.

I made the delicious dutch apple one, my cousin Anna made the strawberry, Julie made the blueberry, and my mom and sisters made the other 3: apple, banana cream, and chocolate.

Yuuummm. Also, my aunt gave us like ninety pounds of leftovers. So we got back to our apartment... Where we watched four movies and ate just as much as we had earlier. Probably ate 10,000 calories that day. It was a successful day.

Until I woke up feeling sick yesterday. I wasn't used to that much food, or real food in general. So, Julie and I were going to go to the gym... "were" being the operative word here. It never really happened. At like 11:00, we realized we'd just been sitting around doing homework all day, so we zumba-ed and yoga-ed for about a half hour. It was intense. I'm pretty sure "zumba" is Swahili for "Dang girl, you gonna hurt in the mornin'!". Or else a mixture of the words "rumba", "death", and "pain".

It was kind of satisfying, though. We feel like we can conquer the world! Or at least a few Youtube videos. We decided that we are going to Zumba every night (except for Sundays) until Christmas break so we can be... healthy. Or as Julie put it, "Imma be one smokin' hot mama!" We'll see how long we last.

Zumba: Make your fat cry. Even if you're a guy.

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