Monday, November 7, 2011

бабушка Юля

This post is about my second to last roommate. Julie! She is obsessed with all things Russia, so I thought it was appropriate to title this post "Grandma Julie", except in Russia. (I think it's pronounced Baba Yulia. And I hope it really says Grandma Julie, and not something vulgar, obscene, or ridiculous. Sorry to anyone in Russia if it is. Google Translate, ya know.) But why "Grandma" Julie? It's because secretly, she is a masked super-hero who is disguised as a gypsy palm-reader called Baba Yulia. She goes around in head scarves, reading palms and saving lives.

Julie and me with our friend Trevor.

More about Julie!

She is obsessed with all things Russia. She is in a Russian class to learn the language. She likes to write our names for us in Russian. She can read palms, and sometimes she wears what are commonly called "babushkas" in America. But since that really means "grandma", I'll clarify. Julie does not wear grandmothers on her head, just scarves. Also, she can sing "Moscow Nights" in Russian. Her favorite things about Russia are the music and the borsch.

She raises bunnies. Here's her website! (That will be $20, Julie.) They are sooooooo cute! She raises Holland lops with her family. And she is a grand champion. The boys are bucks, the girls are does, and the babies are kits.

Here is one of her bunnies.

Since Julie is an English major, she likes to write and read a lot. Her most favorite activity, in fact, is writing. Her other favorite activities are playing tennis, eating Cheerios, and carrying out random acts of insanity.

Even though she's a little bit crazy (and aren't we all?) Julie is awesome. She's super pretty! Boys say she's stunning, spectacular, dazzling, beautiful, etc., etc. She would say she isn't any of those but that's because she never looks in the mirror. Julie is also very bubbly. Also, sometimes she hides in the broom closet to scare people.

Oh hey. Why can't I be this pretty.

Julie likes the colors purple, black, and red. Her favorite thing to wear is dark-wash jeans with a black shirt, red ballet flats, and a scarf. Her favorite type of man is tall, dark, handsome, and Gerard Butler.

Who can blame her?

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