Friday, November 18, 2011


Frant [frant] noun: loud, declamatory, complaining, or extravagant speech, occurring on a Friday. See also: complaint, tirade, vociferation.

Frant posts are dedicated to you, dear readers. They are the things that everyone complains about throughout the month, but never has anyone to complain to. Some are funny, some serious, some awesome, and some just plain stupid.

  • The good news is, we still have running water. The bad news is, it's all cold. The worse news is, the heat is off.
  • I just want to tell him, 'I'd love to stay and chat, but I hate you.'
  • Why is it so ridiculously easy to put things off and end up doing things early in the morning instead of sleeping?
So sleeeeppyyyy....
  • She was flirting all over me, and then I found out she was engaged.
  • The testing center closes too early on Saturday. The last test is handed out at 3. No decent college being is up that early on a Saturday!
  • My one complaint: Bella Swan. AKA the biggest setback to feminism since the sandwich.
  • I only have one class on Fridays, that doesn't start until 10:30. I slept through it.
  • Dear man sitting ten feet away from me, I guess the hairy caterpillar residing on your upper lip, music blasting from your headphones loud enough for me to clearly hear, and random bursts of awkward dancing to said music weren't enough. Just had to add that wookie growl to the mix, didn't you?
  • I am certain that reconstituted sweat smells worse than the fresh stuff.... EW.
  • Okay. Who the crap in a large truck just came and flashed one of the biggest, brightest lights I've ever seen in our window for like ten minutes? Because you've thoroughly creeped us out.
  • I hate writing research papers. So I don't write them. And then I fail.

That one's your own fault.
  • Trying to figure out a schedule is like a nightmare that won't end. Why are these courses on the list if they're not even offered?!
  • Sometimes I confuse English with the Cyrillic alphabet.
  • Punched myself in the eye.

Not sure how that happens...

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