Thursday, November 17, 2011

Weapons of Mass Distraction

Naked puppies! There, now I have your attention. Have you noticed how easy it is to get distracted? It's like, I get online to do my homework, and the next thing you know, I'm pinning an adorable puppy on Facebook. How does this happen? I'm not sure. But, here are some ways to get more distracted. Because it wasn't easy enough before.

1. Pinterest. For those of you who haven't heard of it, it sounds really dumb when you explain it. Basically you scroll through little pictures and you can like them or repin them on your boards. It's solely a time waster. The bad thing is, it gives you other things to distract yourself with. Like new hairdos. Or cookies!

Yes. That is an oreo. Inside of a chocolate chip cookie. We got the idea off pinterest.

2. Stumbleupon. Basically when you're bored, and there's nothing new on Facebook, you go and stumble. You choose things that you're interested in, and then click "stumble". It will take you to random websites or pictures that will entertain you endlessly.

3. Facebook. So much variety. Stalking friends... Stalking friend's photos... Stalking friends of friend's photos... Lather, rinse, repeat. (Minus the lathering and rinsing.)

4. Blogging. I waste so much time writing blog posts. And looking at the statistics of who reads these. It's so exciting. (Shout out to Sweden and Russia. Thanks for reading, guys.)

5. Baby animals. Perhaps the most deadly of all distractions... I could look at baby animal pictures and movies for hours. They're just so cute! It's like....

Oh sorry, I got distracted looking at this bunny.

And this puppy. And kitty. And baby elephant. Eee!

Why are baby animals so ridiculously adorable? I don't even remember what this blog post was supposed to be about anymore. All I can think about is how cute they are. Look at them! Also, you should watch this video. It has a catchy tune.

Oh yeah, I was supposed to talk about being distracted... Well. That's embarrassing. And an appropriate conclusion. Distractions may be deadly, but they are oh so delightful! Happy distracting!

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