True Blue Football [troo bloo foot-bawl] noun: The two hours once a year that BYU seems to lose every last scrap of sanity. Basically, Helamen fields are flooded with two feet of frothy, bright blue foam, including two giant slip-n-slides down the hill. There is an area to dance and swim in, complete with tug-of-war and strangers letting you borrow their giant, inflatable sharks to slide around on.
This is what you look like before you leave your apartment:
One of my roommates, Julie, and I
But after a few moments out there...
We have lovely foam beards.
Basically, it was a foam free-for-all.
This is on the outskirts.
1. The No Shoes Policy
If you didn't know, BYU requires you to wear shoes outside at all times. At True Blue, however, you can take your shoes off not only at the activity, but you can WALK HOME BAREFOOT. A seemingly small victory, it's truly a huge success.
2. Dress Code
Generally, you are required to have sleeves and knee-length shorts. I saw a few guys in almost-tank tops (gasp!) and a few girls in not-quite-to-the-knee shorts. And they didn't get in trouble, since their arms and legs were so covered with foam that it looked like a full body suit anyway. Actually, I don't know what happens if you don't follow the dress code. You can't take a test at the testing center. Maybe you get kicked out of school. And you probably have to repent.
Foam spraying machine!
3. Communal Showers
Okay, so, that sounds really bad. Really, there was just this hose attached to the top of a tent and there were like, a billion people crammed in there trying to rinse off. It didn't work very well because you would rinse off and then bump into someone who was still all blue. So we gave up after awhile.
4. Snowball fights are illegal in Provo
Or so I hear. But foam fights are apparently legal, because they were happening all over. Julie and I had one of our own. It is difficult to throw balls of foam, in case you were wondering.
5. Tattoos
Okay, so technically it's not a tattoo, but your body is dyed a pretty shade of blue for a few hours. I felt sort of like a Smurf. We left blue drippy footprints all the way home. And after ten minutes in the shower, the water going down the drain was still a little bit tinted.
6. Unauthorized Field Play
You're not allowed to be on the field unscheduled, so they can keep the grass nice. The university tends and cares the grass all year to keep it nice and fresh and clean, and this one day turns it into a veritable mud puddle.
Sitting in 2 feet of foam!
The slip-n-slide. Best ever.
Wow that's so cool =D