Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Testing Center

One of the first places you will come to know very well as a BYU student: the infamous testing center.

A few things you should know about the testing center:

1. It is designed to intimidate you. The long, ominous staircase and the large room full of rows upon rows of endless desks... The empty desks seem to go on forever, staring at you, calling your name, whispering: "Kimberly... Did you stuuudyyyy?" It's kind of creepy.

2. It is impossible to get a good score if you sit by the clock, someone with the sniffles, or someone attractive. Because the ticking and sniffing will constantly be breaking your concentration, you'll get nothing done. And if you sit next to someone attractive, you'll be staring at them instead of your test.

3. Late days rock.

Basically, $5 will buy you a better test score.
Not exactly, but late days give you the opportunity to attend more TA reviews, get a better night's sleep, and just be better prepared overall. Obviously it's best to take your test early in case you develop a debilitating rash on your face or a painful spasm in your fingers that incapacitates you from bubbling in the correct answer, but if you have a bunch of tests and you just don't get Organic Chemistry, maybe that late day can help.

For example, presently, the bane of my being is Biology. I haven't taken Bio since junior high, and my teacher lectures in a way that makes it hard for me to learn. On the first test, I studied for three hours, and I went to one TA review. I took the test on the first day it was offered. I got a C. (Shudder.) So for the next test, rather than taking it as early as possible, I waited and went to all the later TA reviews. In the later reviews, fewer people are there, so you get more personalized attention. By the way, TA REVIEWS ARE AWESOME. The TAs get a copy of the test to base their reviews on. So after attending reviews for three days, I finally felt ready to take the test. And even though it cost me $5, I got 96%. (Not bad for my 3rd college test ever, right?) So all I'm trying to say is, late days are your--and your grades'!--friend.

4. From the BYU Testing Center webpage: "If you are violating BYU's Dress and Grooming Standards or BYU's Honor Code, we will not allow you to take or finish your test."

On that note, please enjoy this short video. (The best part begins at about 50 seconds in.)

Yep. That's about it. Remember, 7 out of every 10 testing-related injuries are caused each year by improper handling of materials. Always test responsibly.


  1. But.... Honestly. The Music room is the best kept secret of the BYU Testing Center. It's awesome! I think it's about 1/5 of the size of the main testing hall and the music is quite nice. Not to mention more opportunities to sit next to the windows. BUUUT. Whatever.

  2. I am convinced that the Testing Center is the house of SATAN. He dwells there. Because he can't entice people anywhere on campus, so he just makes people feel really really terrible in that dang building.

  3. Haha! That may be true. But at the same time, the Testing Center is one of the holiest buildings on campus... More praying is done in that room than in some churches!
