Monday, October 24, 2011

Daily Dose of Awkward

  • That awkward moment when you run to catch the light and it changes before you get there anyway.
  • That awkward moment when you go out of your way to step on a crunchy leaf, you violently stomp on it, and nothing happens. It was still green.
It didn't crunch :(

  • The really awkward moment when you forget someone's name, and you've known them way too long to be able to ask.
  • That awkward moment when your roommate's boyfriend calls you cute.
  • That awkward moment when your roommate thinks you said "sex" instead of "six".
  • That awkward moment when the same guy asks out two girls in the same apartment within two weeks of each other.
  • The awkward moment when you hug someone before you realize it is NOT your friend.
  • That super awkward moment when you realize your shirt is inside out.
  • The uncomfortably awkward moment when you realize you forgot to put on deodorant. (At least you brushed your teeth, right?)
  • That awkward moment when you go to check the mail the third day in a row, and for the third day in a row, nothing is there.

  • The crazy awkward moment when you hear a knock at the door and look out the peephole to witness your roommate's goodnight kiss.
  • The awkward moment when you get cold water poured on your head while you're showering.
  • That awkward moment when you have to clean a urinal.
  • The awkward moment when you fall on some kid's lap at church.
  • That awkward moment when you see a guy you really like on the day you roll out of bed and try to avoid eye contact but they see you and say hi.
  • That really, really, really awkward moment when no one reads your blog.

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