Tuesday, April 24, 2012

One year older and wiser, too

Well, that's it. My freshman year of college is over. I decided to figure out if I've learned anything at all the past nine months... And I realized I've learned a LOT (surprising, I know). So here's a hodgepodge list of stuff that's been crammed into my brain since September. 

  • Grocery shopping is hard. If you don't have a list, you're gonna end up buying a whole lot more stuff than you have money for.. especially with the Creamery's rather exorbitant prices. 
  • Homework isn't actually required. 
  • Even when homework isn't "required", it's probably a good idea to do it. 
  • Goodbyes STINK. Literally, they smell so bad. But really, your roommates and friends are your family at college, and it's okay to cry a little (or a lot) when your best friend drives away in a classical American minivan (complete with stick figure family bumper stickers). 
  • The more underwear and socks you have, the less often you have to do laundry. If it doesn't look or smell dirty... It's clean. 
  • The more stuff you bring, the more stuff you have to move out at the end of the semester. And also I'm pretty sure that odds and ends mate like rabbits in closets and under beds, because when you are packing up, the junk never ends. 
  • When you come home from class, you should collapse in bed and take a nap so that by 10 p.m. you're ready to party. Going to bed "early" means early in the morning. 3 a.m. is typical.
  • You don't need to eat as much as you think you do. A couple of meals a day suffices. But if someone offers you food for free, NEVER TURN IT DOWN. Ever. 
  • Church is one of the best parts of the week. 
  • Midnight walks are a must, especially when the weather is nice. There is nothing quite like strolling in the moonlight arm in arm with your lover, roommate, or cat. 

  • "I've got the purrrrrfect lover.........."
    • Contrary to popular belief, RM's are neither evil nor constantly packing engagement rings.* 
    *(Just sometimes...)
    • Classes and tests and papers are harder, so finding a good study partner is a must. It also helps if he is really cute. It makes it easier to focus on chemistry... If you know what I mean.
    • Ramen can be fancy, too. 
    • You actually need to try....

    D stands for "degree". 
    • Stuffed animals are definitely allowed, even encouraged. In fact, you might be shunned a little bit if you don't have your own Hallie Bear or Bungle Monkey. 
    • Weekends = you won't get anything done so don't plan on it.
    • The only way to get caffeine is to join ROTC.

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