Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cinnamon Challenge

The cinnamon challenge.

I reacted even worse. So basically, the cinnamon challenge is the most horrible decision ever. Step into my shoes and see.

You fill a spoon with cinnamon. "Is this enough?" You hear others say No, Fill it more. So you fill it twice as full. Take a look at it, think "This isn't going to be so bad!"

And then you put the worst spoonful of your life into your mouth.

At first, it just tastes like cinnamon. It isn't so bad. But then you try to swallow. The cinnamon coats the back of your throat. You try to breathe and some of it goes into your lungs. You cough, spewing cinnamon all over the hallway and your favorite cardigan. There is powdered fire in your throat, in your nose, in your lungs. You run to the sink and nearly throw up, desperately drinking straight from the faucet in an attempt to clear your throat and get some air in your vacuum of a respiratory system. Your asthma kicks in, making it even more difficult to draw shallow breaths.

You finally rinse out your mouth and are able to breathe, but it feels like a cat crawled down your airway and shredded your esophagus and lungs on the way. You try drinking milk to soothe the burn. Then you try eating some cheese. Cinnamon cheese was not invented for a reason.

Plus it would just look gross.

After attempting to remedy the situation, you finally go to bed and try to fall asleep with a hedgehog crawling in your trachea. Even in the morning, your voice is still raw. And you will never be able to eat cinnamon rolls ever again.

The cinnamon challenge is basically the worst thing you could do in your entire life. Though if you do, make sure I'm there to laugh at your pain--empathetically, of course.

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